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Call for Papers: “Brazil’s and Latin America’s challenges and alternatives in the World-System current juncture”

21/08/2019 13:54


Florianópolis — SC — Brazil

November 25-26, 2019

With the risks implicit in all simplification, it can be said that the world-economy juncture continues to be dominated by financial expansion, the decline of US hegemony and the rise of China. More recently other processes have been added to those initiated in the 1980s: the divisions in the European Union that led to BREXIT, the Chinese state’s decision to act more strongly in world politics, Donald Trump’s aggressive policy to contain China, the right-wing populist wave and, last but not least, the intensification in use of various scientific-technological (Big Data, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, 5G, among others), which some qualify as the 4th. Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0.

At this same juncture (from 1980s) Latin America (LA) went through the end of the developmental period, the debt crisis, the so-called lost decade of the 1980s (low growth, high inflation, rising poverty, etc.); at the end of the 1990s, with the election of Hugo Chávez, LA experienced a period of denial of the Washington Consensus by governments that advocated political and economic projects with different hues but all trying to combine economic growth, income distribution, democracy and more autonomous regional integration (Mercosur, UNASUR, etc.). In the 2000s these projects benefited from the commodity boom spurred by double-digit Chinese growth.

Since 2008, the international scenario has changed, directly affecting the Latin American neodevelopmental experiment and revealing the superficiality of the changes. Politically, democracy is seriously threatened, and economically, the uncertainties of the 1980s are back. From this brief overview many questions emerge:

What does expect from the current juncture of the world-system which seems to be characterized by the US-China conflict in the commercial, scientific-technological and military spheres? Will the world economy open a new prosperity phase or will this conflict lead to a new systemic chaos? If such a scenario is viable, what is Latin America’s place in it? After all, are there lessons that can be drawn from the short progressive political-economic cycle lived in Brazil and Latin America in this Century? What about the alternative presented by the proponents of “Socialism of the 21st century”? How to explain the change of direction taken since the right-wing counteroffensive? What are their projects and where do they lead us? What provisional evaluation can we do for the region, sub region and specific countries in this new regressive scenario? Does LA facing a new wave of fascism, which is affecting central, semi-periphery and peripheral countries? What is left of neodevelopmentalism and socialist proposals?

In its 13th Edition, the Brazilian Colloquium on Political Economy of World-Systems invites researchers to submit papers that address these and other issues from a world-historical perspective. Contributions and even criticism of EPSM itself or on other historical themes and periods will also be welcome.

10/21: Expanded Summary Submission (500 words)
10/28: Disclosure of Accepted Works
11/4: Attendance Confirmation
11/12: Program Release
11/25-26: Realization of the Event

Scientific Commission
Pedro Antonio Vieira – UFSC
Helton Ricardo Ouriques – UFSC
Fábio Pádua dos Santos- UFSC
Jales Dantas da Costa – UNB
Rosângela Vieira – UNESP
Carlos Eduardo Martins – UFRJ

Guidelines for Abstract Submission and Final Paper
Format specification: word for windows or PDF file; Times New Roman 12 font; spacing 1.5; 25 pages maximum
Please, send paper proposals to gpepsm@contato.ufsc.br

Research Group on World-Systems Political Economy

Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Socio-Economic Center and Graduate Program in International Relations.

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